٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto-arata mai rau ca o mumie[uitanduse la ea din cap pana in picioare]stiu ca ma auzi deci trezestete
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Dechid putin ochii si il vad e Hiroto. [Ce cauta el aici] imi zic eu in gand..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- in sfarsit[sarutandui buzele si uitanduma la ea zambind larg] esti proasta dar asta stiai deja,fate bine, nu accept replici idioate acum ok?!
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Las capul intr-o parte incat parul imi acopera fata.. De ce i-ar pasa zic eu.
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- dupa ce ca esti toata numai bandaje acum iti acoperi si fata[dandui parul la o parte[ uite cum facem,tu te faci bine si cand iesi de aici vei fii iubita mea,iti convine rasfatata mica?
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Asteapta putin... vreau sa vorbesc ecva cu tine intre 4 ochii,, Ne lasati putin va rog..??
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- cu cine vorbesti? nu este nimeni aici[dand din umeri] ma vezi in mai multi?[sirade]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Vad rau..? Puteam sa jur ca i-am vazut si pe Mika si pe Ryo... Dar ma rog..esti sigur ca asta e ceea ce vrei..?intreb eu putin ingandurata
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto se scarpina in cap- probabil[facandui cu ochiul si plecand din salon] te las sa te odihnesti si sa te gandesti.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Stai putin acum tu ma lasi singura..? zic eu razand
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto iese din salon si le face cu mana celor doi ducanduse in salon si punanduse sa doarma ca de obicei. mika- mda..multumesc..[cascand]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ma pun sa adorm cu gandul la ceea ce imi spuse el..Ce sa fac..? Daca asta e doaro gluma.. iar cand voi iesi din spital imi zice ca asta a fost asa.. Ce sa cred?
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma simteam usor ametita si obosita,simtind cum ceva in mine ma strange si vroia sa ma muste, ma tin de burta si simt usor durere.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Hey Mika esti bine.. Ce ai patit te doare ceva..?
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit la el dupa care lesin in bratele sale.simteam o stare de greata profunda si simteam cum trebuie sa pic, cum puterile mele de vampir se limitau.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Hey Mika Hey. Degaba nu raspundea... Atunci ma duk la doctorii si o las lor...Ei stiu mai bine ce sa faca decat mine..Dar eram suparata..Oare ce patise asa din senin sa lesine.?
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma trezesc intr-un pat uitanduma la asistenta care imi zambea larg- ce mi sa intamplat? brusc aceasta imi spune ca sunt insarcinata,raman uimita si ma uit in gol, eram vampir si purtam un copil...era a lui ryo nu?! adica da..gandinduma si fiind usor agitata.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Doamna asistenta iese din salon si o intreb ce are Mika..Aceasta imispune ca e insarcitanta.. Raman blocat si totusi ferivit..Aceasta imi spune ca pot intra sao vad.. Hey tocmai am aflat ca vom avea un copil esti fericita sa auzi asta,..?
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit la el dupa care incep sa tremur- da stiu..[zic slab[ insa..nu stiu..ce sa fac sa zic..sunt socata.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ma apropii de ea ii lipesc mainele ei de alemele.. Stii ca daca decizi sa pastrezi copilul sunt aici cu tine.. Asta e decizia ta...Dar vreau sa stii ca eu sunt alaturi de tine.
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- nu e vorba de asta insa..suntem vampiri..cum va trai copilul in mine? ma va manca de vie plus ca mil doresc..mai ales daca este cu tine[zambesc trist si il iau in brate]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Vampir...asa e va fi vampir..insa nu cred ca se va intampla asta.. si in pluse copil.. nu cred ca va avea puterea de a manca,,,
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- asta nu o cred..si eu am fost la fel cu mama..vampiri tineri sunt cei mai necontrolati..[uitanduma la el] dar daca tu vrei sa il tin voi face asta in schimb...spunemi ca ma iubesti dar pentru totdeauna.[zic pe un serios si rece]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Stai putin..nu e vorba numai de mine..Desigur ca te iubesc sinte voi iubi.. Vreau sa fim amandoi de acord in privinta copilului.. Ilvom pastra daca crezi ca vei putea suporta.. si daca suntem amandoi de acord..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
privesc slabita spre el- sunt obosita ryo te rog..[inchizand ochii]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Mai bine intinde-te putin si dormi Ai nevoie de asta acum.. Si iesind din salon
Lona-Oare se intampla ceva daca ma duk pana la Hiroto.. vreau sa vad ce face..si ca m-am gandit la ce mi-a zis. Ma cobor usor din pat.. ma simteam ametita Norocul meu era ca usa lui era vizavi de a mea..Merg incetisor si cu greu ajung la usa lui si intru.. rezemandu -ma de clanta..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- stai! il strig,vino inapoi..vreau acasa..duma acasa...aici miar fi imposibil sa stau te rog..[privindul slab si implorandul prin tonalitate]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Dar de ce acasa.. nu trebuie sa stai aici ? Ok cum doresti luand-o in brate..
Lona-Hey ce faci.. zic eu cu greu cazand in genunchi.
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto se trezeste buimacit si se ridica din pat uitanduse la aceasta cascand- de ce ai venit aici? nu vezi in ce stare esti?[ ridicando in brate]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Scuze voiam sa vad ce faci.. E urat sa stai singura in salon zic eu cu o vocea grea
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- eu sunt obsnuit cu singuratatea, iar tu acum te simti rau[ducando inapoi in salonul ei si punando pe pat] tu aici ramai1
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-Se pare ca tu maine vei pleca de aici din spital nu-i asa?>
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- da,normal[pupando pe frunte si facandui cu ochiul[ fate bine![iesind din salon si ducanduma sa dorm ca e obicei.]
ma trezesc la ryo in casa,in patul lui moale si mare,imi duc mana la frunte si ma uit pe tavan.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-si daca va pleca oare va mai veni pe la mine..?
Ryo-Oh..te-ai trezit in sfarsit.. Cum te simti..?
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- ma simt bine acum[punand mana la burta] zimi ca nu voi muri
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-ma apropii de ea si o iau in brate mangaindu-i capul .. Asta nu se va intampla. Nu vei muri vei trai alaturi de mine cu copilul nostru
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- fa dragoste cu mine[apucandul de incheieturi si uitanduma la el cu mila]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Raman oarecum socat.. De ce si-ar dori asta din nou..? imi zic Nu stiu ce sazic..Vreau sazic acum esti insarcinata..
Lona-eram in salonul meu dormind.. Ma visam undva pe un taram indepartat singura.. Dupa un timp il vad pe Hiroto si imi zice ca nu ne vom mai vedea niciodata.. Cu cat se indeparta mai tare cu atat simteam ca ceva se ma doare.. Ma trzesc si tip..Hiroto..!!!!! gafaind greu..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- si ce conteaza asta?..am nevoie de dragoste si de momentele alea in care ma simt protejata si linistita.te rog,acum nu te mai atrag sau cum.?
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Ce vorbesti Ce e cu tine cum sa nu ma mai atragi.. Stii ca te iubesc si te voi iubi.. Ma aplec peste ea.. si o sarut
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
il sarut si ii dau hainele jos,simteam ca am nevoie de corpul lui si dragostea lui acum,ii ling gatul si ma las dusa de val.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ma apropii de ea si ii musc incet gatul.
Lona-Ma uit in jur.. si vad ca eram in spital.. Ce a fost acest vis.. trebuie sa vad daca e adevarat sau nu.. Nu eram inca vindecata.. ma cobor din pat si cad in genunchi.. Insa ma ridic si merg incetu pana la usa lui hiroto..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
simt cum ma musca si ma dezbrac de haine lasandule pe jos si imbratisandul
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ne lasam dusi de val.. Ne muscam unul pe altul imbratisandu-ne
Lona-Dechid usa lui Hiroto si il vad cum dormea..Uff..ma bucur ca e bine.. si ca e aici.. Dupa care ma duk spre usa mea..insa cand sa apuc sa pun mana pe clanta.. am inceput sa vad in ceata si am lesinat.
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- ce nai?[uitanduma in jur buimacit si oftand vazando iar pe jos pe lona] fata asta nu stie cand sa se opreasca, ii place sa ingrijoreze pe toti[lundo pe sus si punando in pat ]
mika- te iubesc..
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-Dechid putin ochii si il vad pe Hiroto..Ma bcur ca esti aici.. Am avut un vis in care plecai si nu voiai sa ma mai vezi sim-am ingrijorat asa ca mi-am zis sa vad daca mai esti aici.. zic eu incet
Ryo-Si eu te iubesc.. sarutandu-i buzele
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ii ling buzele -stiu.
hiroto- da da...uite ce e..numi convine ca iubita mea sa se accindenteze pentru mine si din neatentie,cum sa faci asa ceva? esti incostienta cum ma iubesti tu pe mine daca ma faci doar sa ma ingrijorezzi?
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-scuze lasand putin capul in jos Nu se va mai intampla zicand zambind.. Dar nu stai te rog putin cu mine..macar pana adorm..?
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto-doar aici stau nu?
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-Multumesc.. dar stai pe ceva ,peun scaun nu sta in picioare
Ryo-Ma bucur ca esti aici cu mine.
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- normal nu?
hiroto se pune in pat langa ea si se uita pe tavan.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Exact sarutandu-o
Lona-Inchid incetul cu incetul ochii.. Eram obosita...
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
adorm dupa ea si incep sa visez.
mika-vreau sa ne casatorim.[spun privind spre tavan]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-sigur draga ne vom casatori insa dupa ce vei termina scoala ok?saruntand-o pe frunte.
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- de parca nu o terminam amandoi in acelas timp..[dand capul intro parte]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Asa e .. scuze am formulat gresit.. Dupa ce vom termina scoala.. vom merge sa ne facem pregatirile de nunta bine.?
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
zambesc-da,vreau si asta insa..parintii tai?ce vor zice? nu stiu exact ce se va intampla..
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Stai calma iti promit eu ca nu vor zice nimic..Si pana la urma e viata mea.. Nu au ei dreptul sa intervina..
Lona-Deschid putin ochii si il vad pe Hiroto dormind langa mine pe pat..E aici.. Ma bucur zambind
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika-esti sigur?[cuibarindu-ma in bratele sale] vreau ca totul sa fie bine
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Da te rog ca tu sa stai linistita voi avea eu grija de tot..
Lona-Ne mai putand dormim priveam tavanul in gol.. ma mai uitam putin la Hiroto.. arata ca un copilas cand dormea..ma apropii putin de el.. vrand sa il sarut.. insa ma opresc..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- da,ok..sunt[zambind slab si uitanduma pe tavan]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-Ma cobor incetu din pat fiin d ca simteam ca amnevoie la baie.. Voiam sa beau o gura de apa sa ma rocoresc.. Ardeam toata.. Cred ca aveam febra.Si merg eu putin pana la baie.. facand pac cu pas..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit pe geam dupa care la ryo,ma simteam slabita,iar copilul din mine ma omora incetul cu incetul,ryo nu intelegea ceea ce simteam cu adevarat in inima,si in mine,ma uit in continuare la ploaie si inchid ochii simtind durerea si linistitea.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Cu ce o puteam ajuta.eu..? Nu stiam ce as putea face pentru.ea..
Lona-ajung cu bine dar greu pana la baie.. i-au o gura de apa si dupa ma indrept inapoi spre pat.. Din cauza curentului usa se inchizandu-se singura.. fancand un zgomot.. Merg incet pana sa ajung la pat..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- cu nimic..spun ca si cum ias fi citit gandurile si uitaduma la el calma.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Paote sa citesca si ganduri spun mirat..
LOna-Ajung in pat.. Imi era rau.. Hiroto dormeam bustean.. Dar nici nu voiam sa il trzesc.Simteam ca ardeam toata.. Eram ca focul de calda.. Nu il mai trezesc pe Hiroto si am duk la fereasta si o dechid sa intre putin aer cald dupa care ma asez pe un scaun langa fereasta..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika-normal ca pot face si asta[zambind bland] sunt vampir si asta stiai
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Mereu ai fost cu unpas inaintea mea sarunta-i buzele moi..
Lona-Stateam la fereastra pe scaun cu capul in jos.. Hiroto dormea .. nu avea nici o treaba.. dar nici nu il puteam trezi.. E mai bine sa se odihneasca doar maine..pleaca...Incepu se ploaie afara.. Mi-as fi dorit sa ies putin sa iau aer curat.. sa simt ploaia pe pielea mea.. As fi putut sa il rog pe Hiroto.. Hiro...zic eu dupa care ma orpresc lasa mai bine sa doarma..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto se intoarce pe partea cealalta,dormind ca un copil.
mika- normal[acceptandui sarutul[
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-Ma apropii de el..aveam nevoie de ai simti buzele peste ale mele..Ma duc la ell si il sarut..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- atunci te las sa te odihnesti si ma anunti ce decizi ai luat in legatura cu nunta[ii fac cu ochiul]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Bine ma voi odhini.. Vorbim dupa.
Lona-Se pare ca bietul de el chiar e obosit.. zicand oarecum trista .. Ma intorc inapoi pe scaunul de langa fereastra
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
sar pe geam ducanduma spre casa,eram destul dde obosita si ma simteam ciudat avand o fiinta in mine..
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Dormeam dus.. Cred ca nici tunetele nu ma puteau trezi..
Lona-simteam ca nu aveam stare aveam nevoie sama plimb sa merg de colo colo desi nu aveam voie iunsa.. Inca aveam bandajele pe mine.. nu puteam sa fac ce vreau.. Ma indrept spre pat.. mergand incepeam sa vad dublu ameteam.. si deodata cad jos..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
simt usor o ameteala si calc stramb pe craca copacului,fiind trasnita de fulger,cum puteam sa fac greseala asta care ma costa si viata.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-eram pe jos lesinata.. neputand sa ma ridic cumva.Stateam ca o insecta ce nu mai avea aripi..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma prabusesc la pamant,ploaia lipinduse de pielea mea,simteam ca nu pot sa ma misc ca nu mai pot respira sau altceva.eram ca si moarta..de trasnet
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-Ma trsesc. si incerc sa ma ridic usor..eram obosita.. insa reusisem sa ma pun in pat.. dar simteam ca nu mai am putere deloc.. de parca nu aveam viata in mine....Ma apropii de urechea lui Hiroto. Te iubesc.. dupa care inchid ochii
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- si eu proasto Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Ma trzesc brucs.. Am un presentiment rau.. Oare s-a intamplat ceva cu Mika..?
Lona-Ma simteam bine in bratele lui .. Ma simteam protejata..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ploaia cadea pe mine,era asa obositor si ma lovea,nu puteam sa ma ridic,trasnetul ala ma facuse aproape praf,incercam sa ma regenerez,imi era frica sa nu fi pierdut sarcina fiindca ma simteam goala.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Ma imbrac si ma dukdupaMika.. Siteam ca ecva nu e in regula.. Oare a fost atacata iar din cauza sarcinii nu putea luota.. Totusi trebuie sa vad ce s-a intampalt...
Lona-Nu aveam somn.. Ma tot trzeam.. Ma intorc cu fata inspre el si ma uitam.. Era asa de dragut.. ca un copilas mic ce doarme linistit.. Hm..ma gandeam.. Oare dupa ce voi iesi de aici.. vom fi impreuna..?
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto casca si deschide ochii-hei! la naiba ce raceala..[danduse jos din pat si uitanduse in jur dupa geaca lui]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Ma catarprin copaci ploian lasand sa ma ude si o zaresc pe Mika lacativa metri departare.. Amzis eu ca am avut un presengtiment rau indreptandu-ma spre ea..Hey Mika.. Trezeste-te scuturand-o ptin.. Hey esti bine,?
Lona-E acolo langa scaunul de langa fereastra
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- a,multumesc!
mika- ry..o..[spun greu cu ochii inchisi si fara vlaga[
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Mika ce s-a intamplat Ce e cu tine.. Ai patit ceva.. Ai fost cumva batuta..? zic speriat
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- pai da..te las sa te odihnesti si ma duc la antrenamente,am intarziat prea mult[uitanduma la ceas si pupanduo pe frunte]
mika- nu..stai calm[zambindui bland] a fost o greseala..zimi ca nu am pierdut sarcina
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Lona-Ok.. samia vii pe la mine.. bine..?Nu uita de mine., te rog.. zic eu cu o afta trista..
Ryo-Ma bucur ca esti bine.. Dar hai sa mergem la spital sa vedem luand-o in brate..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mainile imi atarnau pe lang corp si simteam cum sunt dusa de hiroto in brate,inima mea moarta nu mai batea demult..
hiroto-desigur[facandui cu ochiul si iesind pe usa[
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Ma uitam la ea din cand in cand speriat.. Arata de parca nu mai avea nici un pic de putere i ea.. Vai mie.,. ma gandesc ca daca va pierde sarcina cine stie ce se va mai intampla.. ochii lacrimandu-mi putin
Lona-Bine te voi astepta pe aici.. Ma cobor putin sa il conduc macar pana la usa..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
hiroto- nu e nevoie[zambind larg si sarutando scurt pe buze] Bye,i grija ce faci.
deschid ochii usor- o sa mor[zic gros si incet dupa care ii inchid la loc,lasand mainile sa cada din nou]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Trebuie sa ma grabesc Nu mai poate sta mult asa.. off... de ce am lasat-o sa plece singura ?Trebuia sa stiu ca areprobleme.. si incep sa lacrimez
Lona-ok asa voi face.. punnandu-ma sa dorm
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ajungand la spital,Ryo ma da doctorilor si asteapta pe hol, in sala...dadeam o lupta intre viata si moarte,imi era rau si nu puteam vedea decat in negru in fata ochilor ,la naiba,inchid ochii si raman asa incostienta de ce se intampla in jur.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Of.... nu mai iasa de acolo e numai vina mea dand cu pumnul in perere incepand sa plang.. Daca as fi oprit-o sa steala mine.. nu s-ar fi intamplat nimic.
Lona-Aud un zgomot ies afara s il vad pe Ryo cum plangea.. Acesta imi povestet tot si .. incep saplang.. Nu se poate . .. E doar o gluma nu? cazand in genunchi
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
doctorul iese privind in jos din sala- dumnevoastra ati venit cu domnisoara nu? imi pare rau sa va anunt insa...a decedat.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Poftim????????/Va bateti joc de mine nu-i asa luand-o de camasape doctor.. Cum sa moara.. Doar nu a avut nici un accident.. si intru in salon unde o vad intinsa fara sa zica ceva..Nu-i adevarat nu strangandu-i mana.. Nu are cum Trezeste-te si zi ceva.. Nu ai cum sa ori...incepnad a plange..
LOna-Ma uitam din cand in cand la Ryo sa vad ce face si nu il mai vad.. Ies pe coridor.. si vad un doctor cu cvapul in jos... S-a intampalt ceva .. Acesta spune ca prietena acestiu baiat... a murit.. Cand aud asta lesin...
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
Nu stiu unde eram exact,ma trezesc si imi vad corpul fara viata,alb si rece ca intoteauna, pe Ryo care plangea langa corpul meu neinsufletit,acum constientizazem,murisem,eram moarta insa..copilul?! zic in gand punand mana pe burta mea: Ryo![spun incet langa urechea lui in spirit]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-A murit.. a murit numai din cauza mea.. Dca nu as fi lasat-o sa plece.. nu se intampla asta.. .
LOna-Eram in salon inconstienta.. o visasem pe Mika cum isi ea la revedere de la mine..Pleca undeva departe..Parca as fi vrut sa plang dar nu puteam..
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- Lona[aparandui in fata si zambindui bland] RyO[aparand in fata lui si zambind,intinzand mana spre el]
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 12 ani |
 Din: Fairy Tail
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Postari: 6940
Ryo-Mika!!!!! Nu esti moarta zic zambind..
Lona-Mika nu esti moarta zic eu vazand-o
_______________________________________ "All I need is the power to be able to protect my comrades.
 So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everyone in the world."
pus acum 12 ani |