٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Anime! Esti fan anime daca ai intrat aici! Si cu siguranta doresti sa ne impartasesti idoli si aventurile tale asupra personajelor Anime. Doresti sa iti faci prieteni sa fii inteles si ajutat? Aici e locul tau si stii asta, Bun venit Fanilor! Va asteptam!________________.OOO.____________.O. * .* ..
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Nou pe simpatie: Tanya_sexy pe Simpatie.ro
 | Femeie 24 ani Hunedoara cauta Barbat 24 - 47 ani |
Shu-chan ^_^
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 306
Hey ^^ un fic de al meu in engleza. Va rog sa citit si sa imi spuneti ce parere aveti(asta presupunand ca userii stiu engleza...ca daca nu, cum te mai uiti la anime pe net?)Cat despre celalalt, n-am uitat de el. O sa apara si la ala o continuare. Cat despre asta, s-ar putea sa vie doar un one-shot. Nu stiu daca o sa existe continuare, depinde de cheful si ideeile mele si daca va place...
Such cold voices
And I'm running in the rain. The drops are falling on my face and they are washing my face. My clothes are wet. I think i`ll get a cold. And i'm running from hours and trying to find you. I don`t know...i just...i just hope that you aren`t far from me, but that letter in still there, on my desk. And I haven`t read it yet. I got tired of this, and i`m trying to find the couraje to read it. Finnaly home. I`m taking the letter and i begin to read. The distant and cold words, written on a pice of paper. That elegant black writing... "Hey, i know that i leaved. You probabily hate me now. I don`t know how much time will pass until you will read this letter. Don`t try to find me, you won`t find me even after years. My life is so complicated... I can't love someone. I know that I'd stay more near you, I'll never do it, the reason that i'm living for. I've already told you. I'm an assasin, i will find and kill the persone that killed my brother and sister and then there will be blood on my hands. You know, I just didn't want to do that, but... you see... you know that i will ever love you. Probabily you will find another person that you will love. I`d lie if i`d say that this is really what i wish for. I will come back, if you want to wait for me... I hope you'll be happy. I'm looking in one corner of the room. I can`t move. I'm just breathing fast. One tear is falling from my eyes. I`m going slowly to the window and i throw the letter. The wind makes it fly and make me wish i coud pe a pice of paper and then the wind cand do everything it wants with me. Oh, and if his life ends? If he dies... I'll die too.
Modificat de Lawliet (acum 16 ani)
 Everything... Shatters to pieces and crumbles away... Slipping between my fingers... And when I noticed... I was completely alone...
pus acum 16 ani |
Sword Art
 Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
la fan fiction trebuie pus..sincer nush engleza..asa bn incat sa iti citesc ficul!
_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..
pus acum 16 ani |
<*EvIl DEmOn*>
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
so, eu stiu engleza, dar am o mica intrebare: it's an emo fic? if it is, then i don't know what to say... i say that is interesting how she/you describes there the sadness, and i didn't saw any mistakes. altceva nu prea mai stiu ce sa zic, asa ca doar astept continuarea sa vad ce idei o sa iti mai vina. good luck and i'm waitong for the next.
 ~Too fast to live, too young to die!~ ~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~
pus acum 16 ani |
 Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Foarte tare povestea asta!Si iubesc ideea!NU sunt excelenta la engleza dar ocunosc si ma descurc destul de bine deci am inteles-o .Super!Ai talent si nu prea cred ca e emo...Dar imi place

I still believe this ordinary life can make it through... Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.
Let the music take control! That sound is beautiful And I'll never let it go (never let it go) No i'll never let it go Let the music take control! That sound is beautiful And I'll never let it go (never let it go) No i'll never let it go
Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..
pus acum 16 ani |