٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Anime! Esti fan anime daca ai intrat aici! Si cu siguranta doresti sa ne impartasesti idoli si aventurile tale asupra personajelor Anime. Doresti sa iti faci prieteni sa fii inteles si ajutat? Aici e locul tau si stii asta, Bun venit Fanilor! Va asteptam!________________.OOO.____________.O. * .* .. ________________.OOOO.______-.OOO. * .* . * . ________________.OOOOO._-.OOOO. * .* .. _______________.OOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . * . __________-.OOOOOOOOOOOOO. * .* .. _____.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . * . __________-.OOOOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * _______________.OOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . ________________.OOOOO._-.OOOO. * . *. * . * .. ________________.OOOO.______-.OOO. * .* .. ________________.OOO.____________.O. * . *. * . ________________.OO.__________ ________________.O.__________
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٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ | Reguli | Inregistrare | Login


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٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ / Your Home / camera MikaI! Moderat de ,•’`*’Bubble ,•`Pop ,•’♥`, Ada 18, Hana-chan, Kurama^_^Sweet, Methy, Moony691, Ran, YuS <3, keiko chan, sakura chan
Mesaj Pagini:  1 2
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
camera lui je..deci am nevoie de un baiat..si o fata..totul se intampla la sc...si mergeam intro excursie..personalitatea mea se cunoaste

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Pe  mine  ma  va  chema  Sakurano  Tazusa,voi  avea  17  ani,voi  arata  ca  poza  de  la  semnatura  si  voi  fi  cea  mai buna  prietena a  lui  Mika.Sa  incepem.
Eram  intr-o  excursie.
-Heyyyyyyy,Mika,ce  faci?

Modificat de Kurama_is_my_love (acum 16 ani)


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- buna tazusa! ma uit pe geam

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
-Ce  s-a  intamplat?


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- ee nimica..

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
-Hai,te  stiu  prea  bine,ti  s-a  intamplat  ceva.Zi,doar  sunt prietena  ta  cea  mai  buna.Sau  nu?


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- ba da esti..dar nu s-a intamplat nimic..is eu asa mai deprimata..vreau sa fiu asa//

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Offtopic :Sa  zicem  ca  eu  eram  cantareata  si  ca  aveam  o  trupa 

Ontopic : -Dar  tu  trebuie  sa  fii  vesela!Haide,distreaza-te  si  tu,mai  ales  ca  suntem  in  excursie!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- aha...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Am  mers  cateva  ore  cu  autocarul  pana  ce  am  ajuns  la  o  cabana.
-Waw,aici  vom  sta  5  zile!Ah  e  asa  d e frumos  incat  imi  vine  sa  cant!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- pai canta..asta iti si place

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
-Hai  sa  mergem  sa  vedem  camerele!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-ok dar vreau o camera mai intunecata si singuratica

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
-O  camera  intunecata?De  ce?Ma  rog.A,uite  camera  mea.Wa,ce  kawaii  este!!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- aaa..roz! [ si ies din camera]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu  ma  uit  la  numele  d e pe  usa  si  vad  ca  era  alt  nume.
-Upsi,am  gresit  numele.A  aici  este!
Era  o  camera  mov  cu  perdele  albe
-Wa,e  super  tare!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Si dai peste mine.Un baiat de 17 ani m-ai indiferent dupa care se tineau multe fete.Nu aveam o reputatie prea buna.Toti stiau cum ma numeam.In spatele meu era prietenul meu pe nume Micashi.Eu ma numeam Tachesi.
Prietenul meu era solistul trupei rivale a prietenei lui Mika
Cand o vede pe movalie o priveste superior si zice:
-Ce-ti mai face trupa?Renuntati?Sau vreti sa mai infruntati esecuri?

Modificat de Hana-chan (acum 16 ani)


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- auzi ea nu te mai lua de trupa!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-I-ar tu de prietenul meu!spuse Takeshi.de al ma ocup eu si oricum....n-are rost sa-mi racesc gura de pomana.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- in primul rand prietenul tau sa luat de mine..si nici nu am ce discuta cu persoane asa dobitoace ca voi[ si plec]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
+Mda.....cine porneste o discutie proasta o opreste pentru ca stie ca nu are cum sa o0 castige....Hin!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- o ai promisa..jur!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
-Ha,uite pe cine vad aici!Un ratat dintr-o trupa rivala!Hm,asculta,nu e treaba ta ce face trupa mea,da!Sa stii ca noi nu renuntam niciodata.Se pare ca ai intrebat degeaba,mai bine nu vorbeai cu mine!Si asa sunteti varza cu cantatul.Hai,acum va rog sa plecati,inspir aerul prostiei voastre si nu vreau sa ma molipsesc!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-pff fratilor! haideti naibii odata!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Off:Sa zicem ca cei doi au plecat.
-vai,ce insuportabili sunt!!Ah,mi-au distrus si excursia!Si credeam ca va fi asa frumoasa!!!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- va fi stai linistita[ si ma duc in camera] dupa o ora ies si dau tot peste acel baiat mai de dinainte

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu eram la piscina,stand pe margine si uitandu-ma la cer.


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit la el si trec indiferenta spunand un singur: mda

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu m-am plictisit de stat acolo si m-am intors in camera mea.Pe drum m-am intalnit cu unul din baietii de mai devreme.


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
[o asteptam pe hana, ink mai astept pt mn..si u t tn]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
la mika:
Ii raspund cu aceeasi indiferenta printr-un singur : mdeah...

la Kurama:
-Oooo ce fericire!i-ar dau de tine! Se poate mai bine de atat?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
[ok in sfarsit]
- mda...hai nu ma zapaci? stii sa vorbesti? sa nu ti incurce limba[ si scot limba la el]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
+De obicei rasfatatelor le raspunyi cu indiferenta ca nu cumva sa+ti impuna sa te joci cu papuselele! spun yambind rautacios scotand si eu limba si intorcandu+ma fiind pe punctul de plecare


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- mda...pareri de idiot!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ce am zis? o fetita razgaiata.... Nu vrei sa te duci sa te joci in nisip?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- IDIOT! idiotule...hmm da dute tu cu vreo papusa

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Pai sa sti ca am destule ,,papusi" cu care sa ma joc...Am de unde alege si toate sunt mai mature decat o razgaiata de pe aici!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-mda..ce sa iti povestesc,,, CURVE adica:p hai da-mi pace ne vedem pe mare..defapt in morga

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Mdah....In morga te duci tu.... Si ,,curvele" astea... Nici nu sti cat de multa sadisfactie aduc uneori......    Acum papa...N-am chef sa-mi irosesc nervii cu o pustoaica micuta ca tine


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- ce cretin esti

[ pe plaja..pe mare]
ma uitam usor..la apus..si ma gandeam la faza de dinainte...hm m da...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Intamplarea facea ca ma plimbam si eu tot prin zona aceea si m-am decis sa-i fac un cadoi domnisoarei cu tupeu...Dau cu piciorul in nisip improscand-o cu acesta.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- esti chiar badaran! [si ma scutur]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-He,he....Nu e bine sa te pui cu mine. spun facandu-i cu ochiul. Acum i-a asta! si ma duc in apa udand-o dupa care incep sa rad printre stropii cristalini de apa. Ce zici de o bataie cu apa?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- nu am chef sa ma joc cu idioti....fa o bataie cu altcineva ,  nu te pune cu mine

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Tie frica de putina apa?He,he...Se pare ca esti o fetita in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.....


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- si tu un prost de cand te-ai nascut[ si dau cu picioru in apa facandu-l numai apa si ies din apa] mda...te-ai facut numai apa...vrei sa te schimb? baietasule

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ok.Tu ai vrut-o domnisoara......Si o iau pe sus aruncand-o in apa dupa acre ma pun peste ea si ii zic: Ei? Iti place dusul?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- mda evolueam de la fetita la domnisoara..frumos...dusul e destul de rece...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Si asta nici macar nu-i inceputul .Chiar crezi ca ma las umilit de o fata ca tine? Ai trei alegeri :1.Suporti consecintele si crede-ma nu-ti vor placea 2.Iti ceri scuze  3.Ma lasi sa te sarut. Alege


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mda...ce frumose cerinte aleg 1: deci care ar fi alea?hai zi ce imi face ?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ehhh....Sa zicem ca nu-ti va fi bine,k? Multi ma cunosc ca a fi o fire razbunatoare deci ce alegi?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- hmm grea intrebarea [ bagameas...ce dracu sa aleg, ca 2 nu vreau..si 1...pff...3 ar fi..ca si yo mi-as dori..pff...e ce o fi o fi] 3!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ok atunci! imi aproprii buzele de ale ei cuprinzandu-ile intrun sarut lung...


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
sarutul a fost lung si plin de fluturasi..cel putin la mn..a fost romantic si dulce...dupa aceea ma ridic sus si ies din mare mai pe nisip: mda...deci gata...acuma ce mai urmeaza?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Mai vrei cea? Asta a fost tot. Considera ca suntem chit si ai scapat mai repede decat altele...Deci vezi-ti de treaba ta pustoaico!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- si tu de gurata ciocu min la mn si la prietena mea.. ca o incurci rau
cand deodata se aude un strigat de baiat spunand si venind spre noi: hei mika! printesa mea ce faci?
mika- o da....

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Aaa ai si un iubit? Stie cat de usuratica esti?   Papa ,,printesa"!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- despre ce vorbeste? si tu ma rog ce te bagi ma idiotule?
mika- lasa-l in pace...dal dracu iti povestesc haide[ si il sarut si plecam]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ce fraieri! spun zambind fals dupa care plec la hotel...


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
la cina din hotel..il vad in nou..si ii arunc o privire...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Eu ma amuz copios mai ales ca eram cu vreo trei fete in jurul meu. Toate aveau grija sa nu-mi plipseasca doamne fereste ceva


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit la el ca si cum as vedea ca este baiatul mami..si vine iubitul meu lundu-ma de talie si sarutandu-ma cu pasiune, muscandu-mi buzele, gatul...[din cand in cand ma mai uitam la fufele de acolo..dar nici nu puteam fiindca ma saruta continuu si yo la fel..]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Nu-mi prea pasa da fetita domnisoara pustoaica nu era chiar atat de mica. Ehhh asta-i viata...Nu prea aveam ce sa fac pentru ca mereu fiecare fata ma intreba cate ceva...si nu prea aveam timp de gandire....


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
deodata 2 baietii le iau pe unele fete, [cele mai usoara printre care si acelea ] si spun in salon: ciao!

iubitul meu injura dupa ce pleaca: uite ale dracu fufe! parasutele..nu se compora cu printesa mea [ si continua sa ma sarute ] si lumea sa manance

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ehhh acu pot manca in liniste. Ce sa-mi comand? spun rasfind meniul.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
dupa 5 minute iubitul meu pleaca..afara sa plece undeva cu niste baieti si eu raman singura ducandu-ma o masa alaturata masei idiotului

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Eu incep sa mananc privind-o uneori cu coada ochiului si ii spun dintr-o data mai...malefic:
-Nu vrei sa vi sa stai cu mn? Nu are cine sa-mi tina companie..


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit la el atenta-hmm..da ok[ si ma duc la masa lui aducandumi-se un coctail]thx

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-N-o sa ai probleme cu prietenul? spun privind-o cu un singur ochi pe celalalt avandu-l inchis


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- la ce te referi??

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Pai sa fi cu un alt baiat la masa....


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- nu doamne fereste....nu are ce sa spuna plus ca el stie ca am voie sa fac ce vreau...deci nu are de ce...[si beau din coctail]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
+Bine!Nu doresti nimic?Chelner poti aduce o prajitura de capsuni domnisoarei?
-Sigur imediat!A raspuns chelnerul


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- nu mersi....nu trebuie daca puteti sa imi aduceti inca un coctail

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ma refuzi? Reptific comanda: o prajitura de capsiuni si un coctail va rog!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
dupa ce ne aduce..toate cele comandate..beau coctailul intr-o secunda si mai cer unu dar de prafitura nu ma ating decat de capsuna de deasupra...si atat

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
+Nu+ti p+lace prajitura?intreb sprijinindu-mi capul intr-o  mana dupa ce termin si eu sa mananc. Sti....Din unele parti de vedere nu esti atat de rasfatata precum credeam. zambesc inocent si in acelasi timp bland inchizand ochii


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- sincer nu imi place deloc[ si beau si celalalt coctail cerand ink unu]
imi plac coctailurile pe baza de alcool

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ce????Ti-ai propus cumva sa te imbeti si nu stiu eu? Sa sti ca daca te imbeti nu-i de datoria mea sa am grija de tine Miss!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- oo acuma miss...pay baietas...ma imbat ma imbat...si plus ca nu ma imbat asa de usor[ si beau si celalt coctail] u nu poftesti o bautura?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Nu... Merg la o0 petrecere in seara asta si ma pot imbata cat vreau acolo...Macar daca ma imbat la o petrecere am sanse sa ajung in pat cu o domnisoara..asa aici...Nu e amuzant


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- mda...ai dreptate...[si mai dau un coctail pe gat] prafitura...asta...o poti manca tu [ si ma ridic de la masa...dar ma opresc ducand mana la cap ma luase o ameteala...]ce dracu..

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Si cade insa eram prin preajma si o prind.
-Nu vreau sa-ti spun ca ti-am spus eu dar...si incep sa dau din cap stiind ca-i fara rost apoi o iau in brate pornind spre camera mea cu ea in brate


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- da nici nu trebuia sa zici, camera mea e pe undeva pe holul asta camera 145 pff a dracu ameteala....ce m-as pune sa o injur si oricum mersi mult cavalere!!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Mdah..NU stiam ca esti o micuta betiva Si cu placere My lady


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- nu's o micuta betiva[si ma ridic din bratele lui in camera beata cum eram ma impiedic de el cazand amandoi pe podea langa pat] o da!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-O doamne..chiar ai face orice pt inca un sarut,nu?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- o nu..asta nu fac....betia ma omoara..da date mine defapt dama dupa tine..te rog asa frumos....

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Insa o apuc de barbie si o sarut


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
nu opresc sarutul nici eu nu stiam ce fac...in fine doar in sarutam....la un moment dat opresc: cred ca tu vrei!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Poate...Acum vrei sa oprim totul? intreb privind-o insistent


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- oprim totul? nenea...te gradeai..la o petrecere sau cam asa ceva..sa te futi..cu vrea tarfa...deci plus ca acuma poti face ce vrei cu mine si asta pentru ca is beata!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-N-am inteles o iota din ce-ai zis dar....Poate ar trebui sa plec....Poate ar trebui sa stau...Tu ce zici?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- da...ar trebuii sa stai..poate...fa ce vrei !

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Atat trebuia sa aud....si o i-a incet pe sus punand-o in pat apoi punandu-se pestea ea incepe sa-i dea incet hainele jos


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- o da....[ si ma las prada lui sarutandu-l uneori pe gat sau pe buze senzual]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
O sarut violent pe buze dupa care incep sa-i trasez linii de saliva pe torp,mangaindu-i incet sanii. Dupa cateva minute de placere ma hotarasc ca e timpul sa termin strapungand-o incet insa si violent...


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
clipele de placere erau impartasite...dar dupa un geamat usor...il sarut lundul de gat si intrebandu-l: de ce esti acum cu mn cavalere?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Habar n-am.............Sincer acum....De cand ne-am intalnit si ai fost atat de cu tupu am vrut sa te am...am stiut ca nu esti ca toate obsedatele alea... si se tranteste in lateral cu fata in jos invelindu-se fiind obosit si adormind imediat..Acum arata ca un copil mic ce se culcase dupa o zi obositoare


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
il sarut dulce si spun usor: te iubesc..

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
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