٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Anime! Esti fan anime daca ai intrat aici! Si cu siguranta doresti sa ne impartasesti idoli si aventurile tale asupra personajelor Anime. Doresti sa iti faci prieteni sa fii inteles si ajutat? Aici e locul tau si stii asta, Bun venit Fanilor! Va asteptam!________________.OOO.____________.O. * .* .. ________________.OOOO.______-.OOO. * .* . * . ________________.OOOOO._-.OOOO. * .* .. _______________.OOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . * . __________-.OOOOOOOOOOOOO. * .* .. _____.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . * . __________-.OOOOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * _______________.OOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . ________________.OOOOO._-.OOOO. * . *. * . * .. ________________.OOOO.______-.OOO. * .* .. ________________.OOO.____________.O. * . *. * . ________________.OO.__________ ________________.O.__________
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٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ | Reguli | Inregistrare | Login


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٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ / Your Home / camera MikaI! Moderat de ,•’`*’Bubble ,•`Pop ,•’♥`, Ada 18, Hana-chan, Kurama^_^Sweet, Methy, Moony691, Ran, YuS <3, keiko chan, sakura chan
Mesaj Pagini:  1 2

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
A doua zi de dimineata ma trezesc si nu o mai gasesc in pat si credeam ca a plecat lasandu-ma acolo..pana la urma eu fiind jucaria


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eram la baie abia facunsem un dus si ies doar cu un prosop pe mine si ma uit la el...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Deci aici erai...spun incet rasufland usurat.Hey!si ii fac cu mana in semn de buna


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit al el usor si ii zic usor: mda..nu stiam ca teai trezit[ si ma duc in fata oglindei dandumi prosopul jos ramanand in lenjerie intima alba...si imi caut haine

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Unde-mi sunt hainele mele?intreb privind in jur.Le gasesc si incep a ma imbrac intreband:Pentru tine...Ce a insemnat ce s-a intamplat aseara intre noi?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
raman cu o bluza mai lunga pe mine si intreb: pt tn?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Eu te-am intrebat primul


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma apropii de el privindul cu niste ochi provocatori pana ajung de corpul lui: u ar trebuii sa raspunzi..eu am fost o jucarie de o noapte nu crezi? pe care ai cuprinso deci...tu esti primul

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Stii....Pentru mn..... DE PARCA O SA-TI SPUN! si scot limba luindu-mi si ultima haina pe mine si placand din acea camera.Ma sprijin de usa si-mi pun mana pe frunte parand putin bulversat.Oare ce simteam?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma duc langa usa..si o deschis..el cazand la picioarele mele: de ce lasule? vrei sa iti zic parerea mea? a fost k baiatu

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Nu la asta ma refeream!si ma ridic repede mergand in fata ei si privind-o in ochi: A insemnat ceva ce s-a intamplat? Si raspunde-mi de data asta!!!tip privind-o in ochi si mai profunzator


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit uimita la el : a insemnat? [si privesc in jos dupa care il sarut] a insemnat baietel e randul tau!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-NU stiu...de-asta te intreb..Ma simt aiurea....capul parca mi-a luat-o razna iar corpul vrea sa-l simta numai pe altau si in fata ochilor te vad numai pe tn....Vreau sa aflu ce naiba mi-ai facut,bine?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- ce? uite baiete nu ti-am facut nimic ok? poate ca asta inseamna ca te-ai indragostit boule! mda...dar tu care nu ai simtit asta e si normal[ si uit ca sunt numai cu o bluza pe mn ]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Indragostit?Tot ce-i posibil dar chiar vrei sa te vada toata lumea asa?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- a ce?[ si ma uit la mn] oo nuu!! e si ce?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Da....E si ce daca te vede tot hotelul si pe mn in compania ta?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Offtopic:scuze de intarziere!
Ontopic:Eu ma uitam la acel baiat!
-Hei,ce,asta e ultimul loc din lume in care sa vii tu?


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- mda...pai si normal...vede toata lumea...adik fufele..dupa aici..deci prin urmare sayonara! ce mai stay aici? si ma indrept catre usa]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
La kurama: -Da...tot tu esti cu gura mare...Auzi daca vrei sa-mi ceri un autograf nu trebuie a ma urmaresti prin tot hotelul ,,draga"

-Papa!Ne mai vedem nou dragut-o!si ii trimit un sarut prin aer


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
inchid camera si afland ca este un bal seara ma gandesc sa imia leg o rochie...nemaicontrolando pe prietena mea...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547

asa arat yo...in oglinda...si trebuie sa ma duc la bal

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
La Hana:Asculta mai,daca as fi vrut un autograf as fi ales pe altcineva mai cu creier.Dar daca vrei tu unul,iti voi da unul pe masura! (il imping in piscina iar apoi ma aplecputin si il sarut scurt.
-Ti-a ajuns?Acum trebuie sa ma pregatesc pentru bal.Papa!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
La Kurama: W-W-What the Fuck?????That girl..incep sa vb in engleza datorita socului...M-ai primisem eu ,,cadouri" de la fane da nu sa fiu impins si sarutat....Hotarasem ca trebuie sa-i platesc..Pt a fi chit

Cei doi baieti sau intalnit si s-au imbracat amandoi in costume negre avand priii nasturi desfacuti.Intrand in sala balului ochii le-au fost luati de fel de fel de fete...Insa printre toate le-au zarit pe...


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
am coborat usor scarile si prima data am luat un coctail...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Insa pe la spate vine cineva si il i-a din mana:Coctail?In nici un caz My Lady ai biine hai la un dans.Si o iau de mana tragand-o spre zona de dans


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- ce dracu? sry dar nu imi place sa dansez [ si scot limba] danseaza cu altcineva mai sunt fete [si scap din stransoarea lui si ma duc spre mese

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Bine atunci..Voi lua o alta fata....SI poate accidental ajungem in pat....SI accidental fac ce am facut si cu tn...Da pana la urma nu te intereseaza,nu?  


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
raman uimita si incercand sa nu ma enervez ii trantesc coctailul peste camasa - esti un bou [ si sparg paharul in mana curagndu-mi numai sange de nervi si plec ]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Huh...si tocmai era o camasa noua....Fata asta chiarnu stiesa se opreasca? voiam sa ug dup ea..Dar nu stam...ERa mai bnasa?/


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ajung la baia de fete si imi sterg mana plina de sange durerea ma omora si faptul ca imi intrase acel baiat in minte ies din baie in sala iau un coctail si ies din nou din sala uitandu-ma la el repede si ducandu-ma pe scarile de la camera mea din hotel

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu am venit umpic mai tarziu,imbracata cuo rochie lunga albastra-bleu.Cand am coborat m-am intalnit cu Micashi


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Eu ma uit pret de cateva minute cu gura cascata la ea...
-,,Firar!Chiar arata bine.."

La miKa...
Ma duc dupa ea si o prind de incheietura manii aruncandu-i coctailul pe jos: Tu chiar esti sarita? Ti-am zis-o sub furma de gluma ,te tai,ma murdaresti....Nu vreau sa am o asemenea fata langa mine! Asta inseamna ca nu ma iubesti si nu pot iubi o fata care nu ma iubeste!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit la el stresata de vorbele lui si ii zic un simplu: noapte buna[si inchid usa..lipindu-ma de ea...incepand sa plang

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Offtopic:asta era rochia mea

camera mikai! era rochia mea



I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Ontopic:Ce s-a intamplat?Ai ramas ca o statuie?Hm,ma rog,ma duc putin in gradina!Astazi a fost o zi lunga!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Raman cu capul intors si putin rosu evitandu-i privirea....

Mika: -Firar sa fie....!si dau cu pumnul in perete


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu ajunsesem in gradina.Pentru ca se facuse noapte eu ma uitam la stele,parca fascinata.


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
aud pumnul lui si imi sterg lacrimile si ii trimit pe sub usa un bilet: nu vrei si cu capu?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
La Mika:-Nu ai vrea sa nu te mai comporti ca un copil si sa vorbim ca doi oameni civilizati?

Kurama:Ajung accidental si eu acolo....Cum?Habar n-am dar reusesc sa ajung acolo


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
trimit alt bilet : si cand tu nu o sa mai tipi? !!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu,vazandu-l incerc sa plec dar Micashi ma prinse de mana
-Ce faci?Da-mi drumul!

Modificat de Kurama_is_my_love (acum 15 ani)


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
MIKA:Eu....Chiar mai ranit....Sa nu mai zic a ne-ai facut de ras...Eu toata ziua m-am laudat ca am o noua iubita foarte frumoasa si educata si tu-mi torni coctail pe camasa....Si vroiam si eu sa dansez cu fata pe care o iubesc...Cand te-ai taiat pe mana am inghetat...

KURAMA: O trag incet catre mine si o prind de umeri si-mi apropiiincet fata de a ei..Cand suntem foarte aproape spun: E timpul sa-t primestipedeapsa... si incet buzele celor doi sau unit


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu raman surprinsa,dar peste cateva secunde ii dau o palma si fug in camera mea.


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit pe geam si deschid usor usa de la camera si ma uit la el ii dau jos camasa si incep sa il sarut nebuneste ducandul in camera si inchizind usa..sarutandul din ce in ce mai pasional si mai violent

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Mika: Ii accept saruturile,o trang tare in brate realizand ca ceea ce simteam pt ea era dragoste

Imi pun mana pe zona lovita dupa care imi bag mainile in buzunare si ma asez pe o banca privind cerul si gandindu-ma ca totusi ce am facut a fost o nebunie


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
il sarutam pasional adevarul era ca muream dupa el la un moment dat ii spus la ureche: te iubesc mult!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Si eu ii soptesc ei: Eu si mai mult! supa care ne pierdem in saruturi pasionale


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma simteam rasfata de el...il vroiam din ce in ce mai mult, dar intr-un moment ma gandesc ca pot fi doar o jucarie si ma opresc

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu,ajungand in camera mea cad in genungi si incep sa plang.


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Fetelor...ma spanzur.....Nu mai stiu ce sa mai zic

Mika: Ce s-a intamplat?

Kurama: Pornesc incet spre hotel urcand lent scarile


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma departez de el spre usa zicand usor: oare sunt o jucarie pentru tn?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ce tot vorbesti?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-pff...o jucarie cu care te-ai obisnuit sa te distrezi!! in fiecare noapte sau in fiecare zi....

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Eu,obosita,m-am schimbat si m-am asezat in pat,uitandu-ma la o fotografie.
-Maine este.........A trecut asa de mult timp!


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Nu stiu despre ce vorbesti...Insa nu te mai inteleg..

Ajung in camera si ma trantesc in pat uitandu-ma pe geam..gandul zbutandu-mi departe...


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- esti culmea ce nu intelegi? te intreb daca ma iubesti sau nu?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Aaaa! Pai da,te iubesc!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ma uit la el usor si il sarut - asta vroiam sa aud!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Normal ca te iubesc,prostuto!si o mangai lin pe cap


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
il sarut pe gat dupa care pe buze muscandu-l de buza de jos - ce facem ?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Pai printesica mea ce-ar vrea?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- nush ce vrea printul meu! ne ducem la bal?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Bine! si ma duc sa-mi iau o alta camasa pentru ca actuala e patata cu coctail


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- ca mi-ai amintit...vroiam sa beau un coctail![ si plecam la bal iar cineva ma invita la dans dar zic nu]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 292
Dimineata,ma trezesc si raman atintita cu privirea la acea fotografie.Apoi ma imbrac cu o bluza si o fusta neagra.Imi iau de pe noptiera doua clame in forma de flori si mi le pun in par,apoi plec din camera.Pe drum ma intalnesc cu Micashi care observa ca nu eram imbracata cu eram eu deobicei.


I Luv Aveyond 1,2 and 3!!!
I'm Kurama_is_my_love

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
continua cineva pe aici? hana?...careva?...eu ink refuz...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
Angel of death

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 114
Okey deci sper ca nu se supera nmeni daca intru si eu...o sa ma cheme Sora am 17 ani si arata asa: eram o celebra trapezista mai mult ingamfata si rivala mikai, de fel mai singuratica..
Sora se plimba linistita,ca deobicei neatenta fata dadu cap in cap cu Tazusa

Modificat de Kohinata-chan (acum 15 ani)


The Gazette is my life

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
k nu e nimik dak intri ma bucur chiar...pay tazusa...nush pe unde este...iar hana la fel..asta fiind un off topic

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
DUpa ce-mi schimb camasa ma reintorc la bal si o vad din nou band un cactail. Deja ma stresa bautura asta! Il iau din mana, turnandu-l tot pe gat iar apoi ridicand-o brutal de pe scaun o trag afara sub privirile uimite ale celorlalti.
-Fara coctail in seara asta! si o sarut. Ai inteles? si o sarut din nou


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- oo...da..chiar asa? hai te rog..una mik[ deja o luasem..pe dreapta ]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
O mai sarut o data strangand-o cu putere in brate
-Asta iti ajunge


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 15 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- esti sigur?[ si il sarut pe gat ]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 15 ani
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