٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Anime! Esti fan anime daca ai intrat aici! Si cu siguranta doresti sa ne impartasesti idoli si aventurile tale asupra personajelor Anime. Doresti sa iti faci prieteni sa fii inteles si ajutat? Aici e locul tau si stii asta, Bun venit Fanilor! Va asteptam!________________.OOO.____________.O. * .* .. ________________.OOOO.______-.OOO. * .* . * . ________________.OOOOO._-.OOOO. * .* .. _______________.OOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . * . __________-.OOOOOOOOOOOOO. * .* .. _____.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . * . __________-.OOOOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * _______________.OOOOOOOOOOO. * . * . * . ________________.OOOOO._-.OOOO. * . *. * . * .. ________________.OOOO.______-.OOO. * .* .. ________________.OOO.____________.O. * . *. * . ________________.OO.__________ ________________.O.__________
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٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ | Reguli | Inregistrare | Login


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٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Anime For EveryoneƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ / Rpg Time / fan rpg Moderat de ,•’`*’Bubble ,•`Pop ,•’♥`, Ada 18, Hana-chan, Kurama^_^Sweet, Methy, Moony691, Ran, YuS <3, keiko chan, sakura chan
Mesaj Pagini:  1 2 3 4 5 ... 6

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
(comentez si eu un pic.Doamne fetelor sunteti foarte tari!Serios!Purtati niste dialoguri foarte kawaii!Aly lamureste-ma si pe mine.Mai e noul tau personaj?Ca nu inteleg........)


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
*off topic: mai e personajul creat de mine, fiindca trebuia sa ne pune, si noi in pielea personajor. uita-te la identitati si ai saiti dai seama

*on topic: mrs k ai terminat, acum pot sa plec! a, si mrs pt palma


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu zambind nu ai pt ce. si ma duc spre clasa, si il vad pe akane: buna akane cf?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Akane-O,buna.Nimic.Ma plictisesc.Hana a plecat cu Kayo nu stiu pe unde si nu prea am chef de ore.Tu ce faci?Cum iti mai merge cu iubitul tau?intreba acesta surazand putin.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*BeAutiFul DeMon*>

Din: sat florsti, judetul giurgiu
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 278
Kayo si Hana se plimbau prin marea bibioteca a scolii, printre carti, caiete si harti de toate tipurile.
Kayo: Hana, Vrei sa evadam putin? Hai sa lasam de-o parte proiectele si hai la o plimbare intr-o dupa-amiaza la cumparaturi... Ce spui?

inger mi-e inima, inger mi-e sufletul. oare? mda...as vrea eu. uneori rautatea napadeste si astupa fara ghres un suflet bland care se zbate neputincios in lumina neagra a intuneticului gol.

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Hana-Sigur!spun eu foarte entuziasta sarind la gatul lui Kayo si imbratisand-o.Ce spui de maine?Ba nu ce zici de azi...sau....scuze....!Nu ti-am mai dat ocazia sa vorbesti...doar ca...nu mi-a mai propus nimeni pana acum si sunt foarte fericita!rosesc si ii dar drumul lui Kayo din stransoarea in care am prins-o.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- iubitul meu? raidon? nu nu este iubitul meu.ci un coleg de cls care ma enerveaza, nici eu nu prea am chef de ore..cred ca ma duc la patinuar..tU?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Akane-Pai ma gandeam sa evadey putin si sa ies.Vrei sa vii cu mine?Sau daca nu,imi dai voie sa te insotesc la patinuar?Tu alegi...


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
pai atunci haide la patinuar....

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Akane-K!si ii facu Mikai cu ochiul(Aly sa nu crezi ca vreau sa ma dau la Mika acum....)Sa mergem atunci!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
viata asta e tare plictisitoare... <sign>ce e asta? mika si akane la patinuar? ce fac aia doi acolo? se intreba raidon (nu-i nmk hana, oricum n m-as supara sa se da la mika, ar fi mai interesant)


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
(Oooo,mersi Aly.Chiar o sa fie m-ai interesant.... )
  Akane o privea cu uimire pe Mika.Era atat de frumoasa...asemenea unei lebede gratioase.In gandul lui multe lucruri dansau...Din cand in cand o aplauda.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
Cei doi nu observara, ca din spate cineva ii urmarea. Era chiar Raidon. In timp ce ii privea gelozia il cuprindea, incepand sa fiarba de nervi, in timp ce Akane o privea si aplauda pe Mika cum patina pe gheata. Dar, dimpotriva, in loc sa iasa sa mearga acolo, vru sa astepte sa vada ce se va intampla in continuare...


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
(Mika UNDE NAIBA ESTI???????!!!!Avem nevoie de tine acum!Nu avem decat 2 baieti asa-i....pai si ce facem...ne mai trebuiesc....)
   Hana isi lua la revedere de la Kayo si porni prin scoala.La un moment dat isi aminti de Akane.
-Unde o mai fi si asta?Hmmm....si Hana o lua pe urma lui.Cauta in sus,in jos,in stanga si in dreapta.Akane nicaieri.LA NAIBA!AKANE NATAFLETULE UNDE ESTI?
   Ea ajunse in sala de patinuar si ii abserva pe Raidon care parea cam furios.
-Buna....Raidon...,nu?Ce faci?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
mika- gata!..am terminat[ eram transpirata]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
Raindon se intoarse si o observa pe Hana.
-Buna Hana, si da Raidon sunt! Nu faceam nimic. Hai k trebuie sa plec. Mai vorbim.
Se intoarse, nu inainte de a-i privi pe cei doi cum vorbeau si zambeau impreuna.
-Mi-a parut bine sa vorbim, Hana.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Hana spuse suspicioasa:
-La ce te uiti?si se intoarse sa vada la ce Raidon era atat de concentrat.Ce???!Akane????Ce cauta idiotul asta aici????

  Intre timp Akane...
-Esti minunata....spuse el inca uimt cu niste ochi blanzi si un zambet de asemenea.Nu am mai vazut asa o frumusete.Zau ca daca nu as sti ca te intelegi cu Raidon m-as da la tine.spuse el de data asta cu o privire vicleana.De fapt...mi-ai spus ca nu esti.si o apuca de mana tragand-o spre el si sarutand-o.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu ii accept sarutul dupa care ii zic: esti chiar dragut..ms mult

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Mersi.Si tu esti o adevarata zana.De cand Hana te-a ajutat nu mi-am prea putut lua ochii de pe tine si eram cam gelor ca Raidon are asa o fata draguta...Imi pare rau daca te-am fortat...


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
nu e nimik akane ma duc sa maschimb a uit-o p e hana!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
A:H-Hana????!B-Buna!Spuse acesta inghitind in sec.Hana nu parea foarte fericita.
H:Buna Mika si....Akane.Akane vino putin.Trebuie sa discutam...zambu aceasta foarte infricosator.
A:,,Am incurcat-o..."isi zice acesta in gand si pleaca dupa Hana.
H:Asculta aici!Cum indraznesti sa te bagi intre ei?!Idiotule!Iar vrei sa te joci jocurile tale?Nu te m-ai atinge de ea!
A:Nu ma joc!Chiar o plac....E prima fata la care simt asta.Si nu ma mai dadaci!Ma descurc si singur!si pleca inapoi in sala sa o astepte pe Mika.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Hana, vin-o incoace.
Raidon o apuca pe hana de mana, si desigur astfel incat sa ii vada cei doi, a tras-o langa el, si a sarutat-o pasional. Cei doi ramasi surprinsi, nu mai stiau ce sa zica, dar desigur nici Hana n mai stia.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu scap patinele..si raman uimita dupa care ma duc in vestiar si ma schimb ies afara si ii vad pe ceo trei pe acolo..ma uit la ei..si spun: ei bn..buna la toti!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Da buna. spuse raidon pe un ton jos


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu ma duc si ma apropii de el: te-ai scos cu hana!  e o fata minunata!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Eu(Hana)raman foarte surprinsa si imi vine sa-i dau una lui Raidon.In soapta ii zic:
-Ce naiba faci?Eu incerc sa va ajut!
  In acest timp Akane era fericit.Mika vazu scena si poate asa se va indrepta spre el.Insa era nervos ca Raidon se dadu la Hana,la surioara lui vitrega.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Ce vorbesti? inrosind total. Esti cumva geloasa? In fine, dar tu? Am vazut k te-ai simtit bn cu el?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu - eu? geloasa? te rog..in primul rand eu tin la cineva nu a joc cu el..cat despre akane este un mare bun prieten..[ si plec]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Dupa ce pleaca Hana se decide sa tipe un pic la Raidon...
-Asculta aici natafletule!Eu am tipat si zbierat la Akane pentru voi si tu ce naiba faci?Ma saruti?Asculta pentru mine un sarut este sacru!Sa nu mai vorbim ca este primul deci...te urasc!si ii trase o palma.
Akane porni in fuga dupa Mika:
-Esti bine?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Serios? In fine, Hana, vi azi pe la mine? striga el astfel incat sa il auda Mika. Trebuie sa vorbesc cu tine ceva important si mrs de palma, o meritam. ii sopti la ureche


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu incep sa ma uit pe geam la soare si il vad pe akane: sunt bn akane [ si il iimbratisez]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Akane ramase surprins insa si fericit.Si el o imbratisa.
Hana ramase si mai surprinsa.Nu stia ce sa faca .Sa accepte sau sa nu accepte......
  -Ce vrei sa faci defapt?intreba ea incet intorcand privirea.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu inca il imbratisam pe akane, ma simteam bn..: akane ms ca ma sprijini!esti un baiat extraordinar

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
pe coridor trecea raidon care vazu intreaga scena. nervos isi zice in gand: "gata, trebuie sa actionez".


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Akane-NU-i nimic.Daca am ocazia sa fiu alaturi unui inger....atunci nu vreau sa ratez asta.Pentru ca ....esti  mai draguta decat orice de pe lumea asta.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-ms mult..si ma uit la el!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Hana, striga Raidon de pe coridor, poti veni putin? te rog.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu ma uit uimita la raidon..- ce?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Hana auzi si veni crezand ca s-a intamplat ceva.
-Ce este?Ce s-a intamplat?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Am vorbit cu tine Mika? nu. hana, trebuie sa ma ajuti. hai cu mine


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-ha ha ce sa-ti povestesc...daca ai ceva de dovedit sau de facut fa...

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
poti sa stii


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ce s-a intamplat?Raidon?


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- nu stii nimik..esti un las fara pereche si[ incep sa plang] urasc oameni astia.[ si din cauza.accidentului meu cad iar in genunchi dar nu ma opresc din vorbit- ar trebuii sa ti pese de oamni nu sa te joci cu ei..si dupaia..sa te ascunzi tot tu..

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
Raidon auzind asta, incepu sa fiarba de nervi. Hana, tragand-o deoparte, as vrea sa ma ajuti sa il despart pe Akane de mika. te rog, dar n stiu cum, si imi pare rau k te-am sarutat, dar atunci a fost instinct pe moment. deci ce zici?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Asculta aici?Raidon cum ai putut sa o faci sa planga?Are dreptate te-ai jucat cu sentimentele noastre?La ce vrei sa te ajut?Ar trebui sa iti ceri scuze!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ce vrei sa fac?Bine te ajut....Instinct de moment?Asta e instinctul tau de moment sa sariti pe cineva?Off bine te ajut!


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
Iti multumesc mult, dar sa stii k si ea s-a jucat cu sentimentele mele, si o merita. de ce l-a sarutat si a si zis k a fost bn, sau ceva de genul?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu ma ridic cu greu si plec de acolo!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-...? "ce face? unde merge?" gandi raidon.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
{ unde e akane??] asa eu merg incet chiar si cu lacrimile pe obraz si ma indepartez de ei.vrand sa ies afara din scoala

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Akane vru sa o ajute si fugi dupa ea....
-Lasa-ma sa te ajut.Esti slabita.Vrei sa-l omor pe tipul ala?
Intre timp Hana...
-O iubesti,nu?Desii imi vine sa te omor trebuie sa-ti dau un sfat.Nu te mai comporta asa!Nu te razbuna!Daca greseste prefate ca nu s-a intamplat nimic.Si oricum...esti de reaba .Te va ierta iar eu ma ocum de Akane....

Modificat de Hana-chan (acum 16 ani)


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Te voi asculta Hana, esti o fata de treaba, meriti pe cnv sa te tina la tine foarte mult, si sa stii k m-am razgandit, n mai vreau sa ma bag intre ei, dc ma iubeste pe mine ma va alege pe mine, dc nu il va alege pe el. dar dc il va alege, eu voi pleca din scoala.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- nici nu ma mai intereseaza..vreau doar acasa..si mai ales sa ploua..[ deodata incepe sa tun outernic..si sa ploua] da..ms akane..vreau doar acasa..

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Incepe sa ploua. nu e de bine. te conduc acasa Hana?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- of doamne!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Hana-Esti un mare prost!Chiar vrei sa renunti la Mika pentru un nenorocit?Asculta nu stiu cine e mai ticnit!Tu sau el?Daca ti la ceva lupta pentru el!Mi-ai cerut ajutorul pentru ca o iubesti,nu?si incepu sa ii curga doua lacrimi.E trist cand 2 idioti se iubesc si nu isi spun!
  Akane scoase o umbrela si o conduse pe Mika pana acasa.El observa ca e deprimata


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu privesc in jos..si ma uit la akane: ms..ca m-ai condus..aici stau eu..daca vrei pun un sofer sa te duca acasa..

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Stiu k sunt prost, dar ce vrei sa fac, nici macar nu imi zice un multumesc cand o ajut, iar ea se simte bn in bratele lui. oricum, chiar nu mai stiu ce sa fac... si incepu 2 picaturi sa ii cada pe obrazul lui fin


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Nu e nevoie....spuse Akane trist.In inima lui se dadea o batalie.Stia ca nu are nici o sansa in fata lui Raidon dar o iubea.Mika...inteleg ce simti...si imi pare rau....spuse el lasand capul in jos.
Hana-Nu te da batut!In momentul asta te duci la ea acasa!

Modificat de Hana-chan (acum 16 ani)


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Ce? ai inebunit Hana? cum sa ma duc la ea acasa? ea, nici macar n vrea sa auda de mine, dar sa mai ma vada


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- akane?? [ si il sarut firav pe buze] speranta nu moare niciodata.ja ne ! ne vedem maine

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Hana-Ba da te vei duce!Vrea sa te vada.Crede-ma stiu sentimentul asta...am trecut si eu prin ce trece ea.Am fost aroganta si am pierdut tot!Vre sa te vada si daca nu te vei duce la ea sa vorbiti totul se va spulbera.Te rog!si incepu sa planga!Dute!Nu fa aceeasi greseala ca si mine!Daca vrei iti dau umbrela mea...oricum nu mai am nevoie de ea...fac orice doar...dute!
  Intre timp Akane...
-Mika.....Te iubesc atat de mult...esti un inger insa nu pot sta in calea fericitii tale....IMI PARE RAU!tipa el si o lua la fuga lasand umbrela.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- akane!! akane!! doamne..ma simt prost.[ ma duc in casa..ma schimb ] si ma asez pe canapea..uitandu-ma cum ploua.- of..as vrea sa fiu si eu o picatura ca asta..din pacate se pare ca fac lumea sa sufere!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Iit multumesc pt umbrela, dar mai bn nu o iau, ti-o las tie. si o lua la fuga pana la casa lui mika


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- vreau sa mor in clipa asta..nu vreau sa mai sufere nimeni

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
incet la usa se auzi ciocaniri


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- cine o fi?!
DESCHID usa. firav si il vad pe raidon, scap ceasca.si ma uit la el

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Doar nu sunt acum o fantoma ce sperie lumea, nu?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- aa?? a nuu..intra. ce s-a intamplat?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Hana statea rezemata de un perete in ploaie.Umbrela o aruncase.Nu stia de ce.Amintiri din trecut ii jocau acum prin minte.
-Au trecut trei ani....Hosiro....incepu ea sa spuna incet in timp ce lacrimile ii cadeau pe obraz.
Akane figea prin ploaie plangand.Cum a putut cauza atata tristete.Raidon,Mika si...Hana au suferit din cauza lui....Nefiind atent alerga pe o zebra iar o masina se izbi de el....Ambulanta veni dupa ce cativa oameni sunara si il luara ducandu-l la spital.Ei o sunara pe Hana i-ar ea fugi acolo.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
nu intru, si mrs de invitatie, vreau doar sa te inteb ceva? pe cine vei alege?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- poftim?daca ai venit sati bati joc de mn..nu iti voi face jocul

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
nu vreau sa imi bat joc de tine, vreau doar sa stiu dc ma iubesti sau nu, fiindca eu n as suporta s afiu fara tine, iar dc ai vrea sa ramai cu el, sa stii k nu ma voi impotrivi, si te voi lasa sa fii fericita (spunand toate acestea cu capul in jos, si lacrimile curgeau ca niste perle albe si frumoase)


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- tu...il sarut[ te iubesc!]si il strng in brate

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
multumesc... dc n te superi tebuie sa plec, sunt ud leoarca si trebuie sa ma schimb.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Intre timp la spital.....
Hana-Doctore ce face?E bine,Nu?
Doctorul-Domnisoara trebuie sa fiu sincer....Poate muri in orice secunda....Viata lui nu este asigurata.....
Hana-Ce....?Nu...se....poate...e un joc,Nu?Nu vb serios,nu?Hana incepu sa planga iar.Cum se poate.....?Nu vreau sa-l mai pierd si pe el....IDIOTULE<TREZESTETE!sriga Hana in timp ce batea in geam.Nu mai suporta si fugi de acolo nimeni nu stie unde....


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
nu nu nu..stai aici..hainele ti la dau eu, asta daca nu vrei sa pleci..si sa ma lasi singura.

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
bn, dar vroiam sa o sun de acasa pe hana sa ii multumesc k m-a ajutat.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ia telefonul meu

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
mrs mult.
Raidon, forma numarul lui Hana, si o suna.
-Alo! Hana? buna sunt Raidon si... de ce plangi?inteba raidon surprins


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-ce s-a intamplat?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Nu imi vine sa cred, inchise telefonul, nu isi mai luase nici o haina uscata si o intreba pe mika:
-Vrei sa vii cu mine?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
-Ce mai faceti.....Si de ce nu as plange.....Oricum sunt sigura ca tu si cu mika v-ati impacat si sunt fericita....mi-a facut placere sa va cunosc...Sa nu o parasesti...Adio amandurora si inchise telefonul aruncandu-l pe jos si luind un autobuz care o ducea ...nici ea nu stia unde......


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- ce? unde? ce s-a intampplat?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-S-a intamplat ceva groaznic. sa o cautam pe hana. cica e in parc. o sa ne povesteasca ea exact ce s-a intamplat


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
ajunsi in parc..ne uitam dupa ea

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
unde e? nu o vad?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-nici eu,,hana!!!!uite-o

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-hana!!?? ce s-a intamplat!..de ce plangi?

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Ea statea pe banca in ploaie cu capul spre cerul noros.Incet isi intoarse capul spre cei doi....
-Hei...ce faceti..incerca ea sa spuna zambind putin.

Modificat de Hana-chan (acum 16 ani)


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- hana?? ce ai? stiu ca s-a intamplat ceva?[ iar eu fiindca stiti ca eram cam paranoica am citit din ea ce s-a intamplat]si strig AKANEE!!![si plang]

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Ce? Mika cred k te inseli, tipul ala are prea mult noroc sa pateasca ceva. Asa-i Hana?


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
eu- e..eee. e vina mea[ si incep sa tremur si sa plang] hana!! e numai vina mea.cum ai putut sa fugi??vreau sa mor in clipa asta

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 1196
Hana-De ce plangi....?e doar un idiot.....Oricum....asta nu e problema voastra.si ma ridic si plec nevrand sa mai stau pe acolo.Si inca ceva.Nu va m-ai apropiati de mine...sau de el...Bine?si pleca insa inainte de a iesi din parc...Nu e vina ta Mika.Este a lui....Si sa nu faci vreo prostie...Adio....si o lua la fuga.


I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...
Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.

Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go
Let the music take control!
That sound is beautiful
And I'll never let it go (never let it go)
No i'll never let it go

Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone
Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-Linisteste-te. Haide Hana, spune k e doar o gluma. Eu stiu ca nu il suprort, dar, nu vrea sa pateasca ceva.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
-hana, unde pleci? haide mika, nu mai plange.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
- hana esti o lasa! tii la el ..hana daca nu stai ma omor! akane merrita foarte multe! si nu e o gluma raidon.!

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
<*EvIl DEmOn*>

Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 2141
stiu k nu e o gluma, hana macar sa ne spuna unde e, sa il vedem.


~Too fast to live, too young to die!~
~G-Dragon - my man, my angel!~

pus acum 16 ani
Sword Art

Din: Coreea^^..
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 11547
-cum sa nu plang, m-a ajutat mult, si tin la el, e vina mea ca un om moare acum! tu cum te-ai simti!???[ si din nou din cauza accidentului corpul meu nu mai rezista

Being a 4nia keeps my soul alive..

pus acum 16 ani
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